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4th December 2022

44th Birthday

On 11/22/22, I turned 44. As it was one of my magical “eleven” birthdays, I decided that I didn’t just want to have it home, with just my parents. I had asked for the week of my birthday off work, so I drove home.

I gathered together all of my Plethora friends for a surprise birthday celebration for me – for once, they knew I was coming into town, but they hadn’t remembered that it was my birthday. Liz made an apple cake, because I couldn’t find a last minute piñata, and had a candle left over from one of her kids’ birthdays.

We’ve been friends for over 20 years now and it was so great to be with them all. I stayed the night with Liz, talking until way too late, visited with AnnaJune who braided my hair:

I then stayed the night at Laura and James’s and helped their oldest daughter get ready for prom and listened to their youngest coax beautiful music from her violin before driving to Manila for the week.

My parents and sister and I celebrated my birthday on its actual day by having pumpkin pie.

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4th December 2022


I drove home to Utah for Thanksgiving. The way there, the wind was gusting until to 70-100 mph in the gorge, so we detoured and went south across the Oregon high desert. But on the way back, we had a more leisurely drive and stopped at Maryhill, WA. It’s a Stonehenge replica, the same height as the one in England, made of stone and cement (the stone here isn’t sturdy enough), as a WWI memorial.

It’s pretty awesome. I would love to come back for a solstice celebration, but alas, it was oriented to the astronomical horizon, so it doesn’t line up.

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      Me, pouring over weather forecasts and maps for months: “Well, as much as I really don’t want to do Texas, they really are going to have the highest likelihood of clear skies to see the solar eclipse. So I guess I’ll go to Dallas, instead of up north where I could visit friends. *grumbles and […]