A Random Header Image
1st March 2005

What does this say about me?

For the past six, seven, eight months, I’ve had a little *something* for a guy at my church. I would love to think that at 26, I’m old enough to be beyond crushes, but apparently not. This has had all of those classic symptoms: hyperawareness of every person he’s talking to (especially anyone who’s of the female persuasion), non-stop blabbering with any conversation, waking up just a little bit earlier to make sure I put on contacts and mascara (yes, there is a girl buried deep inside!).

Yeah. I’m smitten. With yet another Matt. *shakes head*

Tonight, while working on my presentation for tomorrow and watching The Amazing Race, I flipped channels and watched an old, favorite episode of M*A*S*H, where Hawkeye and Trapper pull yet another prank on Frank. It’s an early episode, I think from the first season, and one that I’ve probably seen a dozen times.

And it hit me, just before they switched to commercials. When he smiles, Matt looks exactly like a (much much!) younger version of Alan Alda. Spitting image, down to the cocky brow raise.

Disturbing. I think I’ve even squished me out.

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