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11th July 2009

rustic roots

So far this night float thing hasn’t been so bad. I had the day off, so I slept in (until 10), lounged around the house, took a nap. When I got here to work at 8, it was quiet. Since then, I’ve had time to do the silly 2 hour training that’s required since we are (finally!!) switching to an electronic medical record in a couple of weeks. I’m excited for the EMR – not having to waste time tracking down patient charts or deciphering illegible handwriting will be bliss. I do have to wonder, though, at the geniuses who decided that it should “go live” in July-the month with brand-new freaked out interns, who are still figuring out how to manage emergencies overnight. If you live in the Milwaukee area, I strongly suggest that you try to stay as healthy as possible and avoid the hospital during the last 10 days of July.

Looking over my schedule, I’ve discovered something glorious. I work the night shift for 6 days, starting tonight through Wednesday night. And then I don’t have to go back to work until the following Monday. That’s 4 days off, people. Four glorious, wonderful days. That’s almost a vacation there.

I’ve decided to go camping. I haven’t been camping since starting residency and I miss being out in the mountains (well, at least hills and forests and greens). Looking at the state parks and forests have been discouraging. Most all of the campgrounds are reservation-only, with only a few slots for walk-in, and those, the website warned, go quickly.

I know I have a few friends on my flist who are either currently living in Wisconsin, or resided here sometime in the past. Any recommended camping spots that are relatively secluded, within a 3-4 hour drive from the fine city of Milwaukee, and I would have reasonable luck finding a spot on a Thursday morning/afternoon for the weekend? Rustic spots are fine too… I don’t need electricity/ice cream stands/showers or even flush toilets to be happy!

Gotta go. Just got my third admission. Only 2 and a half hours to go!

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