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3rd July 2007

Late as always

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This went through about three days ago. Yeah, I’m slow like that.

When you see this post a quote from Doctor Who on your LJ

“Doctor, they’ve got guns.”

“And I haven’t. Which makes me the better person, don’t ya think? They can shoot me dead, but the moral high ground is mine.”
~ Army of Ghosts

I rewatched Army of Ghosts, Doomsday and then Fear Her this evening. And it’s still such a sucker punch. I still cry. πŸ™

Found one of the best ever reviews/exploration of season three and the finale, (which I liked, btw, flaws and all) here. I disagree with some of the premises, but it’s really well written and literature based and it almost, almost redeems everything that was weak about this season. Really. Go read (but only if you’ve seen this season, because I will not be responsible for spoiling you!)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 at 12:21 am and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


  • It was a good essay. As I said in my “thoughts” post, I try not to over think the show because there are too many things that give me a headache if I do. This person is clearly one of the people who doesn’t have that problem. lol

    Plus, they quoted an Angel episode, so that’s cool.

    They make some interesting points and a lot of it was stuff I hadn’t noticed or had noticed but hadn’t thought about it in as much detail as they did.

    I still get way too defensive of Rose though. :$ I don’t know why. She wasn’t perfect, she did have a her flaws and there are ways in which Martha is *chokes* “better” than her, if we have to go there. But that vice is plenty versa. And I don’t agree that Rose ignored and forgot the Doctors flaws while Martha acknowledged and forgave them. I could be wrong, but that’s still my opinion. Sometimes I think people forget her relationship with Nine entirely. They spent so much time bickering and telling each other off and pointing out each other’s flaws. She was well aware of who he was and loved him regardless and the same was true for him. *shrug* JMO.

    Anyway, it seems like some people think Rose was immature compared to Martha, and in some ways she was immature, but so was Martha. If anything, they’re equally immature, just in different ways.

    I guess they both have their good and bad points and people will focus on one more than the other depending on which character they prefer. Clearly I’m guilty of this. lol I’ve definitely seen plenty of Rose bashing on [info]doctorwho, which is why I tend to stick to [info]time_and_chips, because while the users at doctorwho my be making very valid points and are entitled to hate Rose as much as I dislike Martha, there’s really no point in hanging around a place that depresses me 99% of the time. lol Plus, unless I’m oblivious (which is entirely possible) since time_and_chips is a Doctor/Rose comm, there’s very little Martha talk and therefore very little Martha bashing. Which suits me fine. I don’t need or want to bash Martha. I really wish I could have enjoyed her character more this series because maybe then I could have enjoyed the episodes more. Maybe if/when she comes back, she’ll have moved on from her Doctor infatuation and it’ll be easier to watch her on screen again.

    Dear Time Lord, that was a random rant I didn’t plan on.

    • admin says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the essay! I can’t think those deep thoughts myself either, but I do enjoy reading others who can, and even better, they can put everything together so seamlessly! I was really impressed about the bit about The Hollow Man being the overall theme to the season. Wow.

      And as I stated, I had problems with some of the premises of the essay. I actually snorted when I read that Martha’s was the “sober, mature love.” Um. No. This was nothing more than a crush. One that she knew wasn’t returned and she continued to hold on to it. Now, believe me, I understand the whole unrequited love thing. I think I’m the expert on the unrequited love as I’ve never been requited (hee), but I think I’ve always understood that crush does not equal “sober, mature love.” Getting over the crush, now that was maturity, and I admire Martha for doing so.

      Whoops. My clinic patient just arrived. This will have to be completed later.


    • admin says:

      DID YOU SEE THIS????


      YOu’re going to be ecstatic, I promise, and I bet vowing to watch next year as well. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

      • No I hadn’t seen it.

        OH MY GOD!!!! I LOVE Donna! πŸ˜€ I just watched The Runaway Bride for the millionth time last night. I love how she verbally (and physically) bitch slaps Ten every five minutes. But when he’s in danger she’s right there beside him trying to help and protect him.

        I think she’ll make an great companion. lol. Eee! I’m so excited now.

        This news will probably kill Brian though. He says he can only take Donna in small doses. hehe.

        • admin says:

          I KNOW!!!


          I’ll admit it, Donna drove me batty. She’s loud and obnoxious, and then by the end was completely lovable. Ah, it’ll be perfect!

          And she’s grown, remember? Learned from her adventures with the doctor, so maybe she won’t be quite as loud… πŸ™‚

          Of course, I made the mistake of visiting [info]lifeonmartha and quickly exited after reading how excited everybody was because she was back, meaning that she’d beat Ten up over and over again. They are some very very bitter people over there.

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