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7th November 2009

Injuries and such

Injuries and such

nablo1109.120x200I had hoped to persuade everybody into thinking that I had just turned over a new leaf and decided to get back into the blogging/journaling habit. Which I did, but with a little motivation from signing up to do the National Blog Posting Month. I had so much fun doing it last year and as I never have enough time/inspiration to do Nanowrimo (one day, when I’ve finally am done with all of the training – meaning when I retire when I’m 88 – I’m going to take November off and do it. One day….), this seemed like a good compromise. You all will be very bored of me come November 30th, but I do enjoy the creative outlet that this provides. I’ve really gotten out of the habit of blogging and it requires a lot of thought and effort to come up with something new to say every day.


Speaking of leaves, this is my hand
after raking for 2 hours this afternoon and I’m not even finished yet. I left a smallish pile on my front lawn, a larger pile near by side door and I still have to go back over the lawn to gather all of the residue which will probably equal another large pile. Right now, I hate trees. Especially maple trees that are persistently holding onto leaves and refusing to give into peer pressure, which means, if it doesn’t snow, I’ll have to rake again. My parents suggested hiring somebody to help me out. I’m considering it, except that I calculated the number of calories consumed: 590 calories. Maybe the blisters are worth it.

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