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16th July 2009

camping, here I go!

Surprisingly, I love night float. I love working the night shift, when it’s quiet and I can just focus on getting the patient taken care of and tucked in. I love running into CuteIntern in the cafeteria and having a moment to catch up (well, he had only a 30 sec pause; the ER keeps the radiology department pretty hopping at night)–my heart still hasn’t quite recovered for the palpitations. I love the nurses that I work with and getting to know them. My six days stretch was pretty benign – I think I averaged 3 patients that I admitted (out of a possible 7, go me!). Last night, of course, since I was really wanting sleep so I’d be fresh for my four hour drive today, I had a patient that I had to transfer to the unit, which kept me up, but it still was nothing compared to an average neuro call.

I love seeing the sunrise too. The sun is just peeking over the horizon at 5:30, turning the sky a hazy pink. I was going to take pictures of it; even brought my camera in, and then got a stern email from the head boss that no pictures were to be taken inside any of the buildings without written permission. Even if it wasn’t a patient. Grr. I’m so tired of rules and regulation all of the time.

Anyway. I just finished packing for my camping trip. Yay!! I’m heading up north, way north today to camp over night in the remote, forested and laked (silly word check, I know that’s not a word), bear-populated country, then coming down to a tamer county park for Friday and Saturday where some of my good girlfriends will be joining me. I’m bringing my art supplies, a notebook, a few of the Harry Potter books, some games, makings for smores, etc. We’re going on a nature walk, and just taking it easy for a few days. I’m so super excited. I have to shower, get the oil on my car checked and then I’m off. At least to the next rest stop – I have a feeling that I’ll be stopping for siestas all along the way. Luckily, I do have a friend going with me who will help drive and keep me awake. No worries, Mom!

Alrighty. See you all on Sunday!

posted in All About Me, Rejuvenating the Soul, Those Rare Days Off | 0 Comments

15th July 2009

tossing and turning

I’m suffering from insomnia. I’ve never had a problem with sleeping since med school (chronic sleep deprivation means I can fall asleep at just about any point). This night float thing has wacked out my sleeping schedule. When I first started, I was going to completely convert my days and nights, and the first night was busy enough that I did just that. I slept like a log the next day, with my Breakfast-At-Tiffany’s-esque sleeping mask (no need for ear plugs.

But the following night, and every night thereafter, it’s been quiet. I’ve admitted 1-2 patients with enough of a gap to take a nap. Or two. For several hours. Tonight, I admitted a patient around 9:30, finished everything up by 10:30, and there’s been nothing since then. I went to bed, slept for a few hours and haven’t been able to go back to sleep. It’s making sleeping during the day more difficult too. I feel like I need to get sleep then, because if I don’t and it’s a busy night, then I’ll regret it.

Oh, yay, new patient! There’s one cure of insomnia! Ta!

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11th July 2009

rustic roots

So far this night float thing hasn’t been so bad. I had the day off, so I slept in (until 10), lounged around the house, took a nap. When I got here to work at 8, it was quiet. Since then, I’ve had time to do the silly 2 hour training that’s required since we are (finally!!) switching to an electronic medical record in a couple of weeks. I’m excited for the EMR – not having to waste time tracking down patient charts or deciphering illegible handwriting will be bliss. I do have to wonder, though, at the geniuses who decided that it should “go live” in July-the month with brand-new freaked out interns, who are still figuring out how to manage emergencies overnight. If you live in the Milwaukee area, I strongly suggest that you try to stay as healthy as possible and avoid the hospital during the last 10 days of July.

Looking over my schedule, I’ve discovered something glorious. I work the night shift for 6 days, starting tonight through Wednesday night. And then I don’t have to go back to work until the following Monday. That’s 4 days off, people. Four glorious, wonderful days. That’s almost a vacation there.

I’ve decided to go camping. I haven’t been camping since starting residency and I miss being out in the mountains (well, at least hills and forests and greens). Looking at the state parks and forests have been discouraging. Most all of the campgrounds are reservation-only, with only a few slots for walk-in, and those, the website warned, go quickly.

I know I have a few friends on my flist who are either currently living in Wisconsin, or resided here sometime in the past. Any recommended camping spots that are relatively secluded, within a 3-4 hour drive from the fine city of Milwaukee, and I would have reasonable luck finding a spot on a Thursday morning/afternoon for the weekend? Rustic spots are fine too… I don’t need electricity/ice cream stands/showers or even flush toilets to be happy!

Gotta go. Just got my third admission. Only 2 and a half hours to go!

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8th July 2009

Numerically perfect days

Numerically perfect days

This morning, the clock 04:05:06 (on 07/08/09). I slept right through that one.

I did take a brief moment in lecture this morning to reflect on 07/08/09 at 10:11:12. That’s a pretty one as well.

But even better is the upcoming 12:34:56 second. It makes my inner Count happy. 123456789! Ha Ha!

To celebrate, a few of my favorite Sesame Street memories (that I could find on youtube, anyway)

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7th July 2009

two things I had forgotten

1. How good a long workout can be. Did I tell you that when one of my friends moved this spring, she gave me her elliptical machine and weight bench? I can’t remember. In any case, I haven’t use them more than 1-2 times a month. Did I also tell you that my friend had a household of cats, and the elliptical machine had the unfortunate residence in the litter room? I like cats (although I’m slightly allergic which keeps me from giving in and buying a cute ball of fur), but I don’t like my hands smelling like cats after a workup. I’ve sprayed it with bleach, baking soda (no worries, I washed it with water in between), more baking soda, and two applications of Febreeze and with a towel, it’s tolerable.

In any case, I walked for 30 minutes today and burned 300 calories! Go me!

2. The perfection that is the show Everwood. Oh, my poor, neglected, canceled-in-its-prime show. TPTB at the WB finally, finally heard the numerous pleas and released the second season on DVD, and I had forgotten how much I love this show. The relationships, the characters, the acting is just perfect. Every single week. It makes me homesick (in the cathedrals of new york and rome, there is a feeling that you should just go home and spend a lifetime finding out just where that is) and heartsick and happy all at the same time. I miss good tv like that. (Season 2 can be purchased here from Amazon if my little missionary moment convinced you. 😉 )

In other news: I had a lovely 4th of July weekend. I had a blissful three days off, and caught up on sleep and read for fun for the first time in months (East by Edith Pattou, The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison and Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George. Hmm, wanna play spot the theme? Actual book reviews are forthcoming, I hope), helped my friend paint her mother’s bathroom, went to another friend’s house and played with sparklers for the first time ever, and ate strawberries and ice cream cake, and just had a nice time. I really miss not having a summer vacation; this was a small but appreciate glimpse of freedom.

Picture evidence of the weekend and of the rest of my adventures in May and June can be found at my Picasa web site, including English Country Dancing, seeing Carbon Leaf in concert (one of the best concerts ever), and hanging out with my crazy yet beloved coworkers.

The VA emergency department has continued to be somewhat slow. I’ve seen a total of four patients in the 3 days that I’ve been there. I’m not complaining – I’ve gotten caught up on my clinic notes (it’s amazing how quickly I can get behind if I don’t do them immediately after clinic) and I have a big fat 1000 page book that I’m determined to have read by the time I switch to the medical ICU in August, so I appreciate the chance to study. I start night float on Friday. Meaning, I work 8 pm to 8 am (or 6 pm to 8 am on the weekends) for a week, admitting the sick patients who come in from the emergency department. Long ago, I lost any semblence of a circadian rhythm, but it’s never been tested like this before. I’m kinda excited to see how I handle it and I’m hoping to get a couple of things done in the day, such as getting a basement/foundation specialist to diagnosis why my house leaks and taking my car to the garage to figure out why it suddenly sounds like it’s been possessed by a family of crickets.

And that’s it with me. How are all of you?

posted in All About Me, Everwood, Friends, Frivolous Fandom, Rejuvenating the Soul, Resident Life, Social Life, Those Rare Days Off | 0 Comments

1st July 2009

july 1st

My morning was free today. I celebrated by taking a long nap, buried in blankets. I honestly think we could bring peace to the world by initiating global nap time.

It’s drizzling and cool today. The weather forecasts only mild rain throughout the day. No major thunderstorms for which I am thankful. Did I mention that I had a plumber out to my house last week, who pulled off the rusted cap to the sewer drains, peered down and stated that snaking the drains wouldn’t help the flooding situation at all? It’s a city system problem, that the water backs up in everybody’s drain when it becomes overwhelmed with the rain water – my neighbors fair slightly better because they have sump pumps installed. If I installed a flap in the drain to prevent the water from coming up, I risk building up pressure so that the water comes up through my sinks or toilet instead, causing even more problems. Installing a sump pump could cost thousands. Over $100 dollars to be told that there is nothing that I can do, except petition my city officials to expand their drainage systems.  I haven’t decided whether or not to seek a second opinion. And neither have I figured out how to address the leaky windows/floor either. All I can do is hope that we’re done with the thunderous rain storms for now and keep everything up off my floors (the cinder blocks are staying).

The ER is “mercifully benevolent” today, in the words of one of the attendings today, a change of pace that I am enjoying. Either everybody got the message that the hospitals are to be avoided on July 1st or they’re all at the baseball game down the road. It’s now 4 pm and there’s been nobody so far. I’ve been good and have used the time to catch up on some clinic notes. I’m sure as soon as I suggest an early end to the day, the patients will start pouring in.

posted in Adventures in Home Ownership, All About Me, Resident Life | 0 Comments

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      Me, pouring over weather forecasts and maps for months: “Well, as much as I really don’t want to do Texas, they really are going to have the highest likelihood of clear skies to see the solar eclipse. So I guess I’ll go to Dallas, instead of up north where I could visit friends. *grumbles and […]