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12th November 2010

symphony of sorrowful songs

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symphony of sorrowful songs

I love days like today. Don’t have to be to work until late. Only one patient to see. Lunch and a couple of errands. Back to the hospital where I finish my notes, mewt up with a friend and chat for a while, and then home again. Perfection. I just wish today had possessed the warmth of yesterday; I would have grabbed my camera and lazed around the city. Today was definitely a warning that winter is coming, and you won’t ever be prepared, silly mortal!

I’m going to a church conference this weekend at a boy scout camp. It’s an annual tradition and one of my favorites. It’s so lovely to be in “nature” again, even if it’s rather artificial – a small patch of trees surrounded by highway and summer homes.

And to start off your weekend, here is a link to a symphony that almost made me forget to drive. I had never heard of Henryk Gorecki or his Symphony of Sorrowful Songs, but it is incredibly lovely. The sort of lovely that makes you ache inside for a loss you never realized. The story about his death and the symphony is here. At the bottom, click on the link to listen to the second movement. Wow. I’m tracking down more of his music now.

This entry was posted on Friday, November 12th, 2010 at 5:26 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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